Your Safety & Well-being Come First At MyDoc!

We want you to know that our patients’ health and well-being is our number one priority. On behalf of all of us, at MyDoc Women's Health Specialists, we want to thank you for your support and confidence in our practice, especially now, given concerns posed by the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
Please know that we are taking all necessary precautions to ensure the safety and well-being of our patients and staff. To that end, we want to share some of the steps we are taking: As a medical office we know how important cleanliness is and we have always maintained the highest standards of hygiene.
All instruments are heat sterilized and wrapped. All other supplies used on a patient are disposable. They are used only once. All surfaces are wiped down with a disinfectant that is effective against COVID-19 (Coronavirus).
Hand washing/sanitizing is strictly followed all of our staff, front and back office. Alcohol-based hand sanitizer, masks and tissues are available. All patients, even those that are symptom free, are being fever tested, prior to gaining access beyond the waiting room, to further ensure a safe environment for all. Furthermore, all patients with upper respiratory symptoms such as cough, fever, and shortness of breath will not be allowed into our waiting room to avoid the potential spread of infection. They have been instructed to call the local health department for further instructions on testing for COVID-19 (Corona Virus).
All patients are asked to please reschedule appointments if the answer to any of the following questions is yes: fever?, cold or flu like symptoms?, exposure to anyone that has fever, cold or flu like symptoms?, have you traveled in the past 2 weeks?
In order to help us participate with our social distancing effort, you will have the option of waiting in your car instead of the waiting room after you have checked in. The front desk staff will call your cell phone when we are ready for you to come in for your visit. Please monitor our COVID-19 updates here: