HPV Specialist

MyDoc Women's Health Specialists

OB/GYNs & Women's Health located in Boca Raton, FL & Boynton Beach, FL

Approximately 5.5 million new cases of HPV appear each year. Although having HPV doesn’t guarantee that you’ll develop cervical or genital cancers, it can increase your risks. The kind and compassionate team at MyDoc Women's Health Specialists offer HPV screenings, vaccines, and treatments to protect your reproductive health at their Boca Raton and Boynton Beach, Florida, locations. For more information on HPV, call MyDoc Women's Health Specialists, or schedule an appointment online.


What is HPV?

HPV, or the human papillomavirus, is an infection that causes warts.

There are over 100 types of HPV in existence. Different infections cause different kinds of warts on various parts of your body. For example, some types of HPV cause plantar warts on your feet. Forms of HPV that affect your genitals can cause cervical cancer as well as cancers of the vagina, vulva, throat, anus, and penis.

HPV passes from through skin-to-skin contact. You can get genital forms of HPV through vaginal, anal, or oral sexual activity.

MyDoc Women's Health Specialists offer HPV vaccinations that help protect you against HPV strains that cause genital warts and cervical cancer.

What are the symptoms of HPV?

Because HPV is a virus, your body can sometimes fight off the infection before physical symptoms occur. If warts appear, they’re typically small, flat, bumps that resemble cauliflower. Genital warts can appear in several areas, including:

  • Near the anus
  • Scrotum or penis
  • Vulva, cervix, or in the vagina

Genital warts can cause itching but are typically painless.

Who is at risk of HPV?

HPV is a common infection. Factors that increase your risk of HPV include:

  • Being an adolescent or a young adult
  • Damaged skin and exposure to someone who’s infected
  • Having multiple sexual partners, or a partner with multiple partners

In addition to the HPV vaccine, you can also reduce your risk of HPV infection by using latex condoms, reducing your number of sexual partners, or being in a monogamous relationship.

How is HPV diagnosed?

Most people with HPV don’t realize they have they have it, which makes regular STD testing and Pap smears essential.

During your physical exam, your healthcare professional looks for signs of genital warts. If warts aren’t visible, the specialist might apply a vinegar solution to help identify abnormalities that are difficult to see.

In addition to a visual exam, your provider also performs a Pap test to analyze the cells of your cervix as well as a DNA test that screens for high-risk HPV strains associated with genital cancers.

How is HPV treated?

There’s no cure for HPV, but your provider can recommend various treatments to eliminate wart lesions. These might include:

  • Topical medications
  • Chemical treatments
  • Removal by surgery, laser, burning, or freezing
  • Prescription creams to support your immune system

Call MyDoc Women’s Health Specialists, or schedule an appointment online today.