Vaginitis Specialist

MyDoc Women's Health Specialists

OB/GYNs & Women's Health located in Boca Raton, FL & Boynton Beach, FL

Approximately 64 million women in the U.S. are postmenopausal, and at least half of them suffer from vaginal discomfort caused by vulvar and vaginal atrophy. But at MyDoc Women's Health Specialists, the caring and compassionate all-female team offer simple and effective treatments like ThermiVa® at their Boca Raton and Boynton Beach, Florida, locations. To relieve your atrophic vaginitis symptoms like urinary incontinence, burning, and dryness, call MyDoc Women's Health Specialists or schedule an appointment online.

Atrophic Vaginitis Q & A

What is atrophic vaginitis?

Atrophic vaginitis -- or vaginal atrophy -- is a condition that affects the vaginal walls. When you experience symptoms in your vulva, it’s called vulvar atrophy. If you have atrophic vaginitis, your vaginal tissues grow thinner, dryer, and lose their flexibility. This condition can lead to uncomfortable inflammation of the vulvovaginal tissue.

Vulvar and vaginal atrophy are common problems caused by declining estrogen levels after menopause.

What causes atrophic vaginitis?

Estrogen is a female sex hormone that keeps your vaginal and vulvar tissue healthy. Before menopause, the lining of the vagina is thick with folds that allow it to stretch during childbirth and intercourse.

Your vaginal lining thins and loses these folds as your estrogen production decreases. At the same time, your body produces less lubrication, which leads to dryness. Declining estrogen also changes the pH levels in your vagina, making it less acidic.

In addition to menopause, estrogen levels can change due to:

  • Surgical removal of your ovaries
  • Hormone treatments for breast cancer
  • Approaching menopause (perimenopause)
  • Cancer treatments like chemotherapy or radiation

These estrogen changes lead to fragile vulvovaginal tissue that’s more vulnerable to inflammation as well as injury, tearing, and bleeding during sexual activity.

What are the symptoms of atrophic vaginitis?

Symptoms of atrophic vaginitis often include:

  • Vaginal or genital itching or burning
  • Decreased lubrication in the vagina
  • Involuntary urinary leakage (incontinence)
  • Vaginal dryness and changes in discharge
  • Increased urinary tract or vaginal infections

Atrophic vaginitis can also cause sexual intercourse to become uncomfortable, less pleasurable, and for light bleeding to occur following intimacy.

How is atrophic vaginitis treated?

The compassionate team at MyDoc Women's Health Specialists understand the impact atrophic vaginitis can have on your life and relationships. Based on your symptoms, they might offer a variety of vaginal treatments like moisturizers or water-based lubricants or estrogen creams, rings, or tablets.

The MyDoc Women’s Health Specialists team also offers minimally invasive vaginal rejuvenation treatments like ThermiVa. A nonhormonal therapy, ThermiVa uses radiofrequency energy to gently heat your vaginal tissue to restore healthy lubrication and elasticity. This innovative approach causes your vaginal walls to contract and triggers the production of collagen in the area -- a vital protein that makes your vaginal tissues strong and flexible.

You don’t have to live with the atrophic vaginitis, call MyDoc Women’s Health Specialists, or schedule an appointment online today.